

A non-exhaustive showcase of the projects I have worked on. If you are interested to know what I can do for your company, feel free to reach out!


At Koopmans Bouwgroep, calculators had to calculate twice, in order to get the correct output for their ERP system. IBIS Trad did not allow to configure the export, and the ERP system was limited in the configuration for the export.

The result is a lot of manual work, especially since most of the work had to be done twice. This was a very time-consuming process, and it was prone to human error.


Using Tauri, which is a framework for building native apps, I've developed a desktop application which converts the output of IBIS Trad into the correct format for the ERP system. This setup allows the calculator at Koopmans Bouwgroep to calculate only once, and to create an export for the ERP system with the press of a button.


  • More error-proof, as the output is generated dynamically.
  • Increased the productivity of the calculator.
  • Documented the "business rules" for creating the export, allowing for easier maintenance.

Built using Sveltekit and Vercel, all by me.

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