

A non-exhaustive showcase of the projects I have worked on. If you are interested to know what I can do for your company, feel free to reach out!


At geWOONhout, work planners were spending a lot of time extracting data from the 3D (IFC) Models. Components of several buildings had to be manually entered into multiple Excel sheets, taking several days per project.

This significantly decreased their productivity, while simultaneously increasing the potential of human error.


I've developed an easy-to-use Python tool which loads the IFC models, checks and extracts the data, and transforms this data into several different CSV files. These CSV files are customized according to the specification of the milling companies. In addition, a report can be generated for the 3D modellers which indicates the errors that have to be solved.


  • Increased productivity, converting a 3-day job into the press of a button.
  • Reduced the chance of human error, as the data is extracted automatically.
  • Optimized workflow, as faulty components in the IFC models are detected earlier in the process.

Built using Sveltekit and Vercel, all by me.

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